
Monday, 9 July 2012

Contagious Numbness

Riverpaw stared blankly ahead as the news of Wishfeather's death echoed around the clearing in hushed whispers. It wasn't bad enough that they had lost Ivyflight and Ghostpaw, but not Wishfeather.
The tortoiseshell she-cat was like a mother to her. Her own parents had died when she was just a kit and Vanstar and Wishfeather had raised her alongside Steelkit and Soulkit.
She was snapped away from her thoughts as she heard a heart wrenching yowl sound from nearby. Startled, her first thought was that the foxes were back, but she looked to see Steelkit fighting out of Greedclaw's grasp.
The large black tom had pinned both brothers and was now ordering them to remain where they were. She felt her stomach drop. The two toms couldn't even sit vigil with their mother because of the sickness! However much she wanted to comfort them, she stayed beside Ashpaw. The she-cat had also lost her family and Riverpaw wanted to help comfort her. Vanstar was still alive; he'd talk to the kits.


Greedclaw had told Steelkit and Soulkit off and had ordered Mousefur to keep an eye on them. The last thing they needed were the kits to catch the sickness.
He was about to ask Redclaw to go out to look for Hawkeye and Smokepelt when the two cats entered the clearing, followed by a fairly large group of strangers.
Eyes narrowing, he decided he'd go and see what was going on.
"Smokepelt, Hawkeye, explain," Greedclaw demanded.
"We split up in the forest," Smokepelt began. His mouth opened as if he were going to continue when his gaze fell on his fallen apprentice. He let out a yowl before dashing over to the young black cat's body. 
Hawkeye followed his gaze and her eyes saddened. "He didn't make it?" She asked more-so of herself.
"No," Greedclaw meowed. "Wishfeather didn't either."
Hawkeye looked up at him with shock. "B-but she was just alive! What about her kits?!"
"We'll worry about them as soon as you tell me about these cats," Greedclaw meowed gruffly. 
Hawkeye nodded as she explained to Greedclaw the story about how she and Smokepelt had separated and eventually found three groups of cats. They had met up and entered the Clan together.

Greedclaw listened and as soon as she was finished, he addressed the cats. He noticed that one of the younger she-cats, Heather, was staring at the bodies of the StellarClan cats. "I hope I can help," she meowed quietly. 
"Heather is good with herbs," Mouse explained. "She will be good as a medicine cat apprentice."
The black tom nodded. He looked over to the Clan leader. He had not left Wishfeather's side, not even to comfort his kits.
Seeing that the leader wouldn't be doing anything anytime soon, Greedclaw leaped onto the highstone to address the Clan. All of which were already in the clearing.

"Cats of StellarClan," Greedclaw began. He received shocked looks as he stood on the large rock. He ignored them, Vanstar didn't seem to mind, he was numb as he buried his nose in his mate's fur.
"Trout, Sun, Willow, Mouse, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," the four meowed in unison.
"Than I give you your warriors names. Trout, you will be known as Troutclaw. Sun, you will be known as Suneblly. Willow, you will be known as Willowfeather, and Mouse, you will be known as Mousefoot. Willowfeather and Mousefoot, seeing that you are carrying and looking after kits, you will remain in the nursery until your kits are ready to be apprenticed."
The black tom turned his gaze from the older cats, to the younger ones.
"Heather, Oak, Pine, Silver, Black, Sun, and Lilac," he began. "Heather, you have asked to follow in Shiningsong's footsteps. She will train as Shiningsong's apprentice until she is given her full name. You will be known as Heatherpaw until then."

Normally, Shiningsong would've touched noses with her newest apprentice, but she had caught herself coughing as she was looking after Wishfeather. She feared that she herself was getting sick and she had promised to stay away from any clanmates. She didn't want the sickness to spread further. Instead of touching noses, the she-cat simply nodded.

"Oak, Pine, Silver, and Black,  you are not yet old enough to be made warriors. Until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Oakpaw; your mentor will be Hawkeye. Pinepaw; your mentor will be Sunbelly. Silverpaw; your mentor will be Wolffur, and Blackpaw; your mentor will be Pebblesplash." He continued as he looked at Sun and Lilac. "You two are not yet old enough to be apprenticed. Until you reach six moons, you will be known as Sunkit and Lilackit.
"That is all, meeting dismissed." Greedclaw leaped off of the highstone; feeling fairly pleased with himself.
The Clan congratulated their new clanmates, but there was a hidden worry. Would Vanstar be well enough to lead the Clan?

[Ta~da! I think I added in everyone and everything. I'm sorry if I missed something. If I did, please let me know!
The post is called 'Contagious Numbness' because, well when you lose someone, you feel numb, and the whole Clan has lost three of it's members, so...
Also, Shiningsong will become sick because TheBlondeSmiley has not commented in any posts. If she does not comment soon, I'll have Heatherpaw become full medicine cat. Vanstar is slowly dying as well. He's going to become sick soon and so Greedclaw will be the new leader.
I think Greedclaw's a little too greedy to become leader, but hey, it'll make for a fun storyline.]


  1. Mousefur sat near the nursery, keeping watch on Steelkit and Soulkit. She hoped the new kits would give them some kind of distraction instead of sitting vigil for their mother. She sneezed, wondering if for a moment she was getting sick, but remembered that she really hadn't been around Wishfeather.

    Blackpaw grinned. Finally they had a home! She nudged her sister, who was still being grumpy about earlier.
    "Party pooper! C'mon, let's go meet the other apprentices."
    Silverpaw snorted. "You numbskull, you shouldn't be so happy. 3 cats have died, and you're prancing around like a robin with a broken wing." She said.
    Blackpaw looked crestfallen. "Oh. But there are other cats to meet. Let's go." She tried to contain her excitement as she headed away from the dead cats in the clearing.

  2. Mousefoot paded over to the nursery with her own kits smiling softly but her gaze dappened with sadness.Seeing Mousefur,she paded over to her and sat down beside her."How are they?"she asked softly.

    Sunkit smiled and looked at the nursery and around it.She looked over at Steelkit and Soulkit,and was about to bound over when her sister stoped her.She blinked curiously,"Don't you want to meet the other kits?"she asked.

    Lilackit noded but frowned."I do.But they just lost there mom.I think we should give them some space and time to morn her."she mewed kindly.Sunkit sighed but noded.So the two sisters play faught instead.

    Heatherpaw frowned sadly having seen the body of the dead queen.She shook her head to clear it,No matter.No one else will die on your watch.she thought determinedly.She paded shyly over to her mentor careful to stay a few paws steps away from her in case she might be sick,since she'd coughed."What do you want me to do or learn first?"she asked wanting to get to work right away.

    Troutclaw frowned and glanced around at his new clanmates curiously.

    Oakpaw paded over to Hawkeye his expresion neutral."Is there anything i should be doing?"He asked.

    Pinepaw smiled sadly,he wished they could of joined at better times,but at the same time he was glad they would be of help.He looked over at Riverpaw and Ashpaw sadly.

  3. Mousefur shrugged. "Steelkit isn't really the type for sadness, but Soulkit is upset. Steelkit wouldn't leave his brother, so he's in the nursery with Soulkit." She told Mousefoot.

  4. Hawkeye was slightly surprised when Oakpaw came over to ask what he should do. She blinked as if trying to comprehend what he had said. Oh, right. I'm a mentor now. It took her only a moment to decide. "You should rest. It was probably a long journey here. Tomorrow we can go hunting."

    Steelkit lifted his head as he heard the other cats. He had been disgusted when Greedclaw named them. That was his useless father's job! However, he knew that Vanstar was with his mother.
    "Should we go see the new kits?" Soulkit asked dully.
    "No way!" Steelkit snapped. "Why would I want to do that?!"
    "You should learn to be more friendly, Steelkit!" Soulkit argued. "Even if mom is gone, we still have the clan."
    Steelkit let out an annoyed sigh as he moved away from his brother. "I'm not in the mood to fight."

    Greedclaw watched over the clan. Vanstar still hadn't moved from his mate's side and the black tom even wondered if he'd allow her to be buried. Shaking his head, he looked around. Everything seemed to be in order, but the freshkill pile was running low. He'd send out a patrol soon enough.

    Smokepelt sat with Redclaw as the two discussed about the clan life. The gray tabby pondered the thought of how other clans were doing. "StellarClan is suffering," Smokepelt meowed.
    "Yes, I know," Redclaw said. "We should see if other clans would be of help! Surely one of them may have some useful herbs or something for our clanmaets. It seems like the sickness isn't gone." As if on cue, Vanstar began cough, his whole body shaking as he tried to control the fit.

  5. Ashpaw coughed, a deep, hacking fit that left her breathless. She leaned forward and closed her eyes, falling onto her belly. Maybe this way I'll join my brother and sister, she thought morosely.

  6. Sunkit frowned and looked over at steelkit and then Soulkit.She turned tawards Lilackit."Are you sure we should leave them alone?"She asked her sister.
    Lilackit frowned,and looked at Soulkit."Well..maybe..i mean the younger one looks realy depressed.Maybe we Could go see if there's anything we can do to help.."She mewed uncertainly.
    Sunkit smiled,"Alright then."She mewed,and fallowed as Lilackit led the way over.
    Lilackit smiled hesitently at Soulkit,"We just wanted to say hello.We know your probably don't want to play or anything with everything that's happened to you."she mewed.Sunkit noded in agreement with her.

    Mousefoot noded."He must realy love his brother."she mewed.She glanced over at Vanstar."Has there father said anything to them since there mother died?"she asked hesitently.

    Pinepaw looked over at Ashpaw and Riverpaw he paded over to them."Hello."he mewed hesitently,uncertain if he was interupting something or not.

    Oakpaw noded to his mentor,and with a second glance paded over to the nursery.Inside he found a nest that didn't have any cats particular scent,and curled up there.

    Heatherpaw decided that her mentor did look well so she just smiled,"I hope you don't mind but i think i'll just go look over the herb storage.You look like you need some herbs and some rest."she mewed thoughtfuly,and paded over to the medecine cat's den.She could scent the sickness on the nest of the sick queen so she quickly disposed of it outside of camp,careful not to go near anyone when doing so.When she returned,she began looking over the herbs that Shiningsong had,and making note of witch herbs need replenishing.

  7. Sunbelly eyed the cats of the Clan suspiciously, then over to Willowfeather. "This place is taken over by sickness - we could still leave, you know." He clawed the ground in frustration, they had been traveling for a few moons, looking for a safe place to stay.

    Willowfeather shook her head. "This is the best place we have found so far. As long as we stay away from the sick cats everything will be fine." She assured her mate, her voice soft.

    Sunbelly grunted in reply, but said nothing else.

  8. "Oh, hi!" Soulkit brightened a little at the new kits. "I'm Soulkit. Welcome to StellarClan."

    "Hi," Riverpaw lifted her head and nudged Ashpaw lightly with her head.

    Greedclaw looked over to the nursery as Steelkit came out; a look of frustration and hurt on his small face. "Hey, Steelkit!" He called. The kit came over, looking annoyed. "What?" He hissed.
    "You're not doing anything and you are of apprentice age. In fact, you may be older than some of these apprentices. I want you to see if Heatherpaw and Shiningsong need help gathering herbs."
    Steelkit looked shocked, but Greedclaw was deputy; he had to obey, even if he didn't want too. He nodded and went into the medicine cat's den. "Hello? Greedclaw asked me if you need help with herbs."

  9. Mousefur shook her head. "She died shortly before you arrived here. That's why Greedclaw had your warrior ceremony." She told the queen.

    Silverpaw stopped and looked in Ashpaw's direction, Blackpaw beside her. "We should wait. They seem pretty devastated." Blackpaw murmured.

  10. Ashpaw glanced back at her siblings' bodies and suddenly couldn't stand to be beside them anymore. It was a reminder that they were dead and that there was nothing she could do about it. Abruptly, the she-cat felt furious, and leaped up and stalked across the camp, Riverpaw and Pinepaw hurrying behind her in puzzlement. She turned around to face them and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I..." she couldn't speak for a few moments as tears welled in her eyes and a lump obscured her throat. After closing her eyes and several deep breaths, she opened them and looked at Pinepaw. "Hi, I'm Ash...paw, you must be Pinepaw," she said, hesitating a little over her Clan name. "Sorry about that back there."

  11. Pinepaw shrugged."It's fine,i understand."he mews.

    Heatherpaw looked up and over at Steelkit,she smiles and waves him over.So she could show him the herbs they'ed be looking for.

    Sunkit smiled,"Thanks."she mews for them both.Lilackit looks over at were steelkit was disapearing inside the medecine cat's den,then back over at Soulkit."I'm sorry if we caused a fight imbetween you and your brother."she mews softly.

    Mousefoot nods,and frowns."Do you think he'll ever get past his grief and lead the clan again?"she askes Mousefur curiously.

  12. Mousefur looked at Vanstar. "I don't know. They were mates for a long time." She tried to push down her growing impatience. How would she know? She was fairly new to the clan as well.

  13. "If you want Ashpaw, we can all go for a walk?" Riverpaw suggested quietly. "I'm sure Vanstar and Greedclaw will understand that our heads need to be cleared."

    "It's alright," Sunkit stated. "You didn't do anything. Steelkit just needs to learn to not be so self-centered and unfriendly."

    Reluctantly, Steelkit entered the den and padded over to Heatherpaw.
